Basic Certificate Course in Palliative Auxiliary Nursing [BCCPAN]
Course Details: This course is aimed at equipping a non professional person to deliver good quality Palliative Care services to the patients and their family members in a community setting. The course consists of developing communication skills, care of bedridden patients and hands on training in nursing skills. The Course is meant for females who have passed S.S.L.C. and also have completed two years' Nursing Assistants Course or Junior Public Health Nurse (JPHN) Course.
Course Duration: 3 Months
No. of seats: Minimum - 3, Maximum -10
Eligibility: Plus two with Certificate in Auxiliary Nursing or JPHN
Course fee: Rs. 5000/-
Course Schedule:
Batch | Period | Last date to receive application |
Examination |
I | February - April | 20thJanuary | 4th week of February |
II | June - August | 20thMay | 4th week of April |
III | October - December | 20thSeptember | 4th week of June |
Application form: Download
Return the completed forms to
Institute of Palliative Care,
Old Dist. Hospital Building,
Thrissur 680001
Special Instructions:
- The candidates selected have to spend 6 days a week (Monday to Saturday) at the institute (9.30 am to 4.30 pm for theory sessions and 9.00 am to 4.30 pm for clinical sessions).
- There will be theory sessions, clinical postings (OP/IP/Homecare),hands on training, assignment discussions & topic and case presentations covering various palliative care aspects as part of the course.
- Attendance is compulsory for theory sessions. The candidate may avail leave for maximum 2 days with proper intimation to the coordinator. Availing leave for more than 2 days during the course and/or being absent without intimating the course coordinator will lead to extension of the course.
- There will be continuous evaluation during the course in terms of punctuality, attitude, skills acquired, group interaction and team work.
- There will be a mid-term evaluation at the end of 2 weeks (after the theory sessions) and a final evaluation at the end of the course.
- The candidate has to secure 50% marks for a pass in each division - theory, communication skills, practical cum viva voce, case presentation, topic presentation.
Food & Accommodation:It will be the candidate's own responsibility, but the institution will offer all possible assistance including subsidized accommodation at the Institute of Palliative Care if available.

Dr. E Divakaran
Institute of Palliative Care
Mobile :9447308707

Dr. Ramlabeebi
Course Co-ordinator
Institute of Palliative Care
Mobile :9446146901
For more information about the courses, please contact:
Pain and Palliative Care Society
Old Dist. Hospital Building
Thrissur 680 001
Phone: 91-487-232 2128