Rehabilitation Projects

The overall goal of palliative care is to achieve the best quality of life for patients and their families, by helping patients live as actively as possible. Rehabilitative Palliative Care integrates rehabilitation, enablement, self-management, and self-care into the holistic model of palliative care. Rehabilitation aims to improve quality of life by enabling people to be as active and productive as possible with minimum dependence on others.
We have taken up the ambitious project of rehabilitation of patients and their dependents. A poor family would have exhausted all their resources for treating the terminal illness of the breadwinner and would be in great debt and misery. It is essential to rehabilitate such families in the real spirits of the Community Palliative Care movement. The Projects are:
- Artificial jewellery making
- Artificial flower & bouquet making
- Carry home bag making
- Computer training
- Disinfecting cleaning solutions
- Embroidery making
- Fabric painting
- Greeting cards making
- Paper bag making
- Paper pen making
- Soap & detergents making
- Umbrella making.
In this rehabilitation project, we are providing facilities like wheelchairs, modified vehicles etc. for the physically handicapped patients to ensure their mobility.
We acknowledge with gratitude the kind-hearted donors with whose help it was possible to provide these facilities.
Items produced in the Rehabilitation Project are available for sale. Please visit our product gallery and support us by buying our products or sharing our product details with others.