Physiotherapy Centre for paraplegic and hemiplegic patients
There are a good number of patients who are paraplegic and confined to bed, and their condition deteriorates day by day as there is no physical activity. The physical condition of these patients can be improved substantially if they are subjected to proper physiotherapy. Certain cases of hemiplegic are also admitted ascertaining their cases strictly on a palliative basis.
There are many forms of treatment that physiotherapists can employ in the management of patients in palliative care. The decision as to what option best suits each patient is quite personal and depends on the stage of the disease process and goals set. Life prolongation can be a goal in the early stage of illness but as the illness progresses the goal can shift to optimizing Quality of Life as opposed to prolonging it. The main goals other than the quality of life are minimised symptoms, Optimise functioning ability, Maintain or regain physical independence, Preserve the patient's autonomy. Pain relief (electrical modalities, thermal modalities, massage, lymphedema treatment ), Passive movements ( often used in bed-bound patients), Physical exercise ( have a positive effect on depression ), Soft tissue massage and/or therapeutic massage ( to relieve muscle tension can often aid in easing the symptoms of anxiety) are commonly adopted methods in palliative care physiotherapy. Physiotherapists have a role in providing advice or education to patients and family/carers, enabling them to adjust and adapt to the consequences of the illness.
Persons affected with paraplegia or quadriplegia due to different types of accidents including road traffic accidents are admitted to the physiotherapy unit under the guidance of doctors and physiotherapists. Most of them are youngsters. There are 280 patients who come on rotation to do physiotherapy under a physiotherapist a doctor and an occupational therapist. To improve the quality of life of persons registered with us, we provide wheelchairs, cots, airbeds, walkers, kneecap, etc.
Dr. Bhaskaran Nair, Retd.HOD, Ortho of Govt. Medical College visits the unit once in a week and guides the activities in association with Dr. Ruby, Dr. Sajitha, Physiotherapists Mr. K.B. Pramod and Mr. Jenin. Scores of volunteers extend their helping hand to run the unit throughout. Specialized doctors render their service, on request. Sri. Jayakumar, Occupation Therapist of Govt Mental hospital, render voluntary service every Thursday. Once in a month Dr. Umadevi, a reputed Clinical Psychologist, gives counselling to the needy.
Rehabilitation is part and parcel of the physiotherapy unit. Adequate education and counselling to patients and their families is an integral part of palliative care rehabilitation. Computer training for patients, making of soap, dish wash, hand wash, washing powder, umbrella, carry bags are done by relatives of the patients and patients with the creative support of volunteers. Read more at the Rehabilitation page. We organize a quarterly get-together of patients, their relatives, and volunteers outside the palliative care premises.
Infrastructure and Sponsors
Our physiotherapy unit started functioning in 2011. The renovation of the premises was done with the support of the Catholic Syrian Bank Employees Association and Lioness Club of Thrissur. Thrissur Corporation during the financial year 2014 - 15 provided almost all the physiotherapy equipment and accessories for the unit. We could provide remodelled scooters to six persons under the CSR of Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd, Thrissur Regional Office, to pursue their studies as well as earnings. Canara Bank, West Palace Road, Thrissur, and SBI Life, Thrissur provided altogether four motorized wheelchairs to our brethren, two by Canara Bank and two by SBI. The computer system for training under the rehabilitation program was provided by Thrissur Main Branch of South Indian Bank under their CSR.