Help desk for welfare measures by the Government
There are lots of welfare measures by the Government for assisting economically backward families and those who are suffering from long time illness, like cancer and chronic kidney disease. Unfortunately, many patients are unaware of it and those who are aware of it may not be in a position to avail of it due to various reasons. In order to address this problem, we have a Help Desk managed by one of our community volunteer Mr. Jose Emmatty.
The Help Desk functions on all Mondays, 9 am to 4 pm. Eligible patients or their relatives are directed to the help desk, where they get the needed information and necessary help to fill up the application form, submitting it through proper channels and following it up with the authorities. We have already provided this help to over 2000 families
Government Schemes
- Aswasa Kiranam (Government of Kerala)
- Aswasakiranam Scheme envisages assisting the care givers of physically and mentally disabled bed-ridden patients.Read more
- Cancer Suraksha Scheme (Government of Kerala)
- Cancer patients up to the age of 18 years in the BPL/APL groups are eligible to be included in this scheme. Read more
- Thaalolam (Government of Kerala)
- Children below 18 years of age belonging to families too poor to afford treatment irrespective of BPL/APL. Read more
- Karunya Benevolent Fund (Government of Kerala)
- Patient's whose annual income is less than Rs.3,00,000/- is eligible for this scheme. Read more
- Vayomithram (Government of Kerala)
- Senior citizens, 65+ years of age residing at corporation/municipality are eligible to get free medical services. Read more
- Samashwasam (Government of Kerala)
- This scheme is for kidney patients, Hemophilia patients, Sickle cell anemia patients under BPL category. Read more
- Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN)((Government of India))
- This scheme provides financial aid up to Rs. two lakh per patient for specific investigations and treatments. Read more
- Cancer pension scheme
- Pension, Rs. 1000/- per month, is given to cancer patients under BPL category, after completion of treatment for supportive care.
- Chief Minister and Health Ministers Fund (Government of Kerala)
- Apply in the prescribed form. This fund is sent directly to the patient's address.