Basic Certificate Course in Palliative Medicine [BCCPM]
Course Details: This six-week intensive training program in palliative care for doctors provides hands-on training in symptom management and communication skills. Thus course Introduces trainees to a range of methods of palliative care delivery -outpatients, inpatients, homecare and link centres and Includes lectures by specialists from the field, assignments, presentations and project preparation and assessments.
Course Duration: 6 Weeks
(The course commences on the first working day of alternate months and spreads over 42 days (inclusive of Sundays).
No. of seats: Minimum - 3, Maximum - 6
Eligibility: Registered doctors (MBBS/BDS or Higher)
Course fee: Rs.10000/
Course Schedule:
Batch | Period | Last date to receive application |
Examination |
I | January- February | 26thDecember | 2nd week of February |
II | March - April | 24th February | 2nd week of April |
III | May - June | 26th April | 2nd week of June |
IV | July - August | 26th June | 2nd week of August |
V | September - October | 26th August | 2nd week of October |
VI | November - December | 26th October | 2nd week of December |
Application form: Download
Return the completed forms to
Institute of Palliative Care,
Old Dist. Hospital Building,
Thrissur 680001
Special Instructions:
- The candidates selected have to spend 6 days a week (Monday to Saturday) at the institute (9.30 am to 4.30 pm for theory sessions and 9.00 am to 4.30 pm for clinical sessions).
- There will be theory sessions, clinical postings (OP/IP/Homecare),hands on training, assignment discussions & topic and case presentations covering various palliative care aspects as part of the course.
- Attendance is compulsory for theory sessions. The candidate may avail leave for maximum 2 days with proper intimation to the coordinator. Availing leave for more than 2 days during the course and/or being absent without intimating the course coordinator will lead to extension of the course.
- There will be continuous evaluation during the course in terms of punctuality, attitude, skills acquired, group interaction and team work.
- There will be a mid-term evaluation at the end of 2 weeks (after the theory sessions) and a final evaluation at the end of the course.
- The candidate has to secure 50% marks for a pass in each division - theory, communication skills, practical cum viva voce, case presentation, topic presentation.
Food & Accommodation:It will be the candidate's own responsibility, but the institution will offer all possible assistance including subsidized accommodation at the Institute of Palliative Care if available.

Dr. E Divakaran
Institute of Palliative Care
Mobile :9447308707

Dr. Ramlabeebi
Course Co-ordinator
Institute of Palliative Care
Mobile :9446146901
For more information about the courses, please contact:
Pain and Palliative Care Society
Old Dist. Hospital Building
Thrissur 680 001
Phone: 91-487-232 2128